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About Alysha


As a Healer and empathic person, Alysha has always been in-tune with the high and low vibes that are all around us.


For much of her life, she was unaware of why she would feel so high but then so low. As it turns out, she was taking on the high and low vibes around her rather than simply acknowledging and releasing them.


Everything is energy – including our bodies, thoughts, emotions, even the air around us! As we walk through life these energies attach to us and for my empathic self, Alysha wasn’t releasing them properly. She didn’t know how, or that she was even holding onto them!


Since learning that she has the ability to feel energy the way she does and being trained to shift it, Alysha has found that she feels much better! Many physical dis-eases have shifted and disappeared as well, though it is a continual process.


Alysha is a Journalism graduate from Loyalist College and has always been on this quest for knowledge, this beautiful and sometimes frustrating quest. She loves to learn new things and believes we are always students in this life. We learn from one another and to truly see an idea or belief, Alysha is open to receiving new information whether it follows her thought process or not, just simply being open is how she continues this journey in peace.

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