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5 Simple Ways to Honor Your Breasts (and Your Body)

March 8th is International Women’s Day and it’s time to remember, this day is about YOU! We need to stretch this out though and remember, self-care should be ongoing, not just one day a year. Self-care come in many forms, not just a bubble bath with a book (although that is good too)! We often lose sight of our health, or as a friend recently pointed out, we ignore it completely! She knew something was wrong and just hope it would go away if she kept ignoring it. Well, she received her diagnoses this week and wants us all to reach out if we need help, not hide.

Cancer isn’t predictable and it isn’t pretty, but here are a few simple ways to take care of yourself and honor your breasts.

Lead by Example

Perform monthly self-breast exams, get knowledgeable about your body, and schedule regular mammograms – YOU’RE NOT TOO YOUNG! I’m going to put this in here because it’s important – I’m in my early 30s and the doctor didn’t want to because I’m not 50 but I pushed and got my exam! I have a family history of breast cancer and still had to push for it! Make sure you schedule a clinical breast exam with your primary care physician, too. Set a good example for the loved ones around you by incorporating healthy practices. This can include, starting a garden, eating as organic as possible, exercising regularly, and packing healthy lunches for your kids.

Talk to Your Family and Friends

Teach your children about self-care and good breast health. Tell them about the health risks that come with smoking and alcohol. Talk with your kids, siblings, parents and grandparents about your family’s health history. Consider talking to your sister, mom, or best friend about getting a mammogram - or go together!

Give a Meaningful Gift

Go out of your way to show someone you care. If someone close to you is struggling with cancer, offer to get their groceries, bake them a casserole, take them to a doctor’s appointment, or just be there for them when they need it. A gift doesn’t have to involve money or the purchase of a material item. A sentimental trinket is nice, but having compassion and showing care for someone going through something really difficult is worth so much more.

Get Involved

Consider raising money for a good cause, attending a local event, or starting your own fundraiser. Plan a breast health workshop or class in your school, organization, or community. Get involved and make a difference!

Take Care of Yourself

Put in the effort to take care of yourself and this goes beyond eating right. Of course, it’s good to avoid processed foods, but also make sure you are exercising and curbing any habits that negatively affect your health. Replace them with good ones. Turn your 10 minute smoke break into a 10 minute walk break. Avoid staying up to late and try hitting the sack even 20 minutes earlier. Change your monthly Girl’s Night into a Girl’s Spa Day and get a reiki session.

It’s all about little changes to make small steps toward health. Breast health goes beyond routine breast exams, it starts with the food you eat and getting outdoors to everything in between.

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