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Common Misconceptions About Reiki

Reiki Healing is growing increasingly popular, so it’s important for you to stay informed.

Many people have beliefs about Reiki that simply are not true.

Too much gossip, false information, and rumor spreading have caused much of the world to have misconceptions about Reiki.

It’s time to set them straight!

Just like lots of alternative healing methods, most people aren’t fully informed on what Reiki is, how it works, and what exactly it does.

You don’t have to be an expert on the subject, but as Reiki is growing in popularity, you should have some basic knowledge about it.

If you already have some basic knowledge but are confused on some points, then you’re in the right place. If you are just hearing about it for the first time, get some of the first basic questions answered on my FAQ page.

In this article, I will identify the most common misconceptions about Reiki and set the record straight.

Since beginning my Reiki journey, I’ve heard many clients inquire about religious aspects, Reiki training, and more.

If you’re interested in learning about any of the following topics, then this is the article for you:

  • Reiki and religion

  • Reiki is not a massage

  • The role of Reiki Practitioners

  • Reiki does not require regular appointments

  • Continuity among Reiki Practitioners

Let’s start with the misconception that I hear over and over again:

Reiki is a Religion

Many people think that you have to believe in a certain higher power or dedicate yourself to a specific spirit in order to use Reiki.

The truth is that Reiki doesn’t have anything to do with religion!

Whether you’re Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Atheist, Agnostic, or any other religion, you can both practice and be healed by Reiki! Not all religions support and accept the scientific principles of energy but Reiki doesn’t conflict with any religions. The central principles of Reiki focus on creating well-being and peace, which are coincidentally a major part of many religions.

Reiki is based on energy... not on religious beliefs.

Reiki works on the basis of welcoming positive energy into the body, while removing negative energy and clearing any energetic blocks/stagnant energy.

Reiki is not a Massage

This misconception likely stems from the fact that a growing number of Registered Massage Therapists are beginning to offer Reiki as an additional healing modality. It can be difficult for clients to recognize where the massage ends and Reiki begins.

Although Reiki most often involves light touch and in some styles, possible light tapping or sweeping of limbs, this is not the same as a therapeutic massage. Massage includes various degrees of pressure and tissue manipulation.

A common misconception of both Reiki and massage is that the client does not need to undress. Though this is common practice in massage to make tissue manipulation easier, Reiki does not require the client to undress. Clients are reminded prior to their session to wear comfortable clothing and during their session often covered in a blanket for added warmth.

The benefits from Reiki arise from an energy shift in the body, with the body naturally readjusting itself to the most comfortable position without any manual manipulation.

Reiki Practitioners Heal Their Clients

This is a belief that many people who have never practiced or experienced Reiki have.

A Reiki Practitioner is a conduit for healing energy to move through, they are not manually healing their clients. Practitioners are allowing the healing energy to flow through to their clients. In many cases, as the

Practitioner becomes more connected to the flow of energy they are able to pick up on blockages and in some cases read into what may be causing the issue.

Everything, including me and you, is made up of energy. All around you there is energy flowing. Energy cannot be created or destroyed.

But! It can be moved, directed, and channeled where it is needed.

Reiki is based on tapping into the energy that is already within the Universe, and channeling it to help heal a person.

Unlike doctors who perform procedures to heal a person, Reiki practitioners act more as a guide.

Reiki does not require regular appointments

Reiki should be done as often as one is able to attend until the problem is resolved.

Think of it the way you would think of physical therapy - one session might help, but in order to get the full benefit, you must complete the whole course and not just one session. With that said, in many cases, people experience immediate improvements of their symptoms with Reiki, and for many Reiki clients just a few sessions are needed to achieve great results.

For more complicated energy blockages, I may recommend a plan of sessions with you geared towards your individual situation. I will never force you or guilt you into attending sessions more frequently than you are comfortable.

All Reiki Practitioners Heal the Same Way

While all Reiki practitioners use the same healing energy to help their clients, they don’t all conduct their healing sessions in the same way.

In the early days, Reiki was often discovered through word of mouth. As this healing practice began to spread and became more mainstream, Reiki was adapted and changed through the different explanations and experiences of this knowledge and practice.

The original Reiki method came from Dr. Mikao Usui, but as it has been passed down, it has been tweaked and modified.

Another thing about Reiki is that it is highly personalized to the individual in need of healing. This means that not everyone who seeks this practice will receive the same treatment even if they are both experiencing the same issue.

Some Reiki Practitioners may offer additional healing services such as sound healing, chakra reading/healing, crystal healing and the list goes on.

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